The advent of big data, which incorporates geo- informatics, remote sensing, and the large volumes of data being generated by technological advances in genomics, will revolutionize the way we work in the future. The use of this information to increase research efficiencies and decision-making, from the farm level to the policy level, is beginning to take place. Using big data in an effective manner will be a key element in addressing the challenges facing research programs and dry areas as a whole. We intend to capitalize on big data to the benefit of our breeding programs, thereby ensuring a continuous supply of improved varieties to smallholder farmers. We will also build digital platforms to generate maps of crop productivity and water consumption in near real time, which can be used for water accounting and agro-ecosystem assessment. In order to make full use of big data and ICT, we will partner with other CGIAR centers, CGIAR Research Programs (CRPs), ARIs, and the public and private sectors. ICARDA’s geo-informatics research focuses on knowledge-based prioritization of agricultural landscapes for improved interventions, implementation, and impacts through the use of multi-sensor, multi-scale observations of agro-ecosystem productivity, resource use efficiency, land potential, and associated drivers to assist addressing issues related to food and nutritional security, natural resource management, and resilience. We will develop advanced analytics (machine learning, artificial intelligence) for research, development, and outreach in collaboration with research programs, partners, collaborators, and citizen science. We will support the work in the SRPs by working on quantification of yield gaps and land potential for better targeting developmental interventions towards bridging the yield gaps in dry areas.
ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017 - 2026:
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101 to 110 of 112 Results
Sep 30, 2019
De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Omary, Jalal, 2019, "West Asia And Egypt. Change In The Share Of Winter Precipitation 2010-2040 - Current Climate, GHG Scenario A1b",, MELDATA, V1
West Asia and Egypt. Change in the share of winter precipitation 2010-2040 - current climate (based on the averaged output of 7 GCM models under Greenhouse Gas Emission Scenario A1b, it is baseline data to assist development agencies in planning for adaptation strategies to clima...
Sep 30, 2019
De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Omary, Jalal, 2019, "West Asia And Egypt. Change In The Share Of Spring Precipitation 2010-2040 - Current Climate",, MELDATA, V1
West Asia and Egypt. Change in the share of spring precipitation 2010-2040 - current climate, GHG scenario A1b, it is Baseline data to assist development agencies in planning for adaptation strategies to climate change. Map prepared for the Regional Center for Disaster Risk Reduc...
Sep 30, 2019
De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Omary, Jalal, 2019, "West Asia And Egypt. Change In The Share Of Autumn Precipitation 2010-2040 - Current Climate",, MELDATA, V1
West Asia and Egypt. Change in the share of autumn precipitation 2010-2040 - current climate, GHG scenario A1b, is Baseline data to assist development agencies in planning for adaptation strategies to climate change. Map prepared for the Regional Center for Disaster Risk Reductio...
Sep 30, 2019
De Pauw, Eddy; Atassi, Layal; Tulaymat, Mohammad Fawaz; Omary, Jalal, 2019, "West Asia And Egypt Annual Mean Precipitation 2010-2040",, MELDATA, V1
West Asia and Egypt. Annual mean precipitation 2010-2040 (based on the averaged output of 7 GCM models under Greenhouse Gas Emission Scenario A1b). The data is baseline data to assist development agencies in planning for adaptation strategies to climate change. Map prepared for t...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Balkh Contour",, MELDATA, V1
Balkh contour was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Balkh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization layers in Afghan...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Takhwsh Contour",, MELDATA, V1
Takhwsh contour was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Takhwsh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization layers in Af...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Balkh Sub Watershed",, MELDATA, V1
Balkh Sub watershed was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Balkh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in the Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization in Afg...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Takhwsh Sub Watershed",, MELDATA, V1
Takhwsh sub watershed was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Takhwsh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in the Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization in...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Balkh Watershed Aspect",, MELDATA, V1
Balkh aspect was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Balkh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization layers in Afghani...
Sep 30, 2019
Atassi, Layal; Biradar, Chandrashekhar, 2019, "Balkh Watershed Slope",, MELDATA, V1
Balkh slope was generated from digital terrain models (DTM) with 5 m resolution derived from DigitalGlobe imagery assets. The layer covers Balkh watershed. This layer is intended to be used in Afghanistan Electronic Atlas, as one of the surface characterization layers in Afghanis...
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