
The Dataverse portal of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Ares (ICARDA) has been set up with the aim of making Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (F.A.I.R.) the knowledge produced in research for development frameworks, joined by the Center and its partners. The portal is supported by the CGIAR Research Program on LIVESTOCK, the CGIAR Platform for BIGDATA in Agriculture, and is powered by CODEOBIA and hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). You may copy, distribute and transmit the data as long as you acknowledge the source through proper citation as shown below. You may not resale or use the data for any commercial purposes except with written permission from the respective authoring institution(s) and the author(s) concerned. By using the ICARDA Dataverse, the user expressly acknowledges that the data may contain some nonconformities, defects, or errors. No warranty is given that the data will meet the user's needs or expectations or that all nonconformities, defects, or errors can or will be corrected. The user should always verify actual data.

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1 to 10 of 604 Results
Mar 31, 2025 - International Livestock Research Institute
Bor, Nicholas; Thomas, Lian; Njenga, Geoffrey; Slater, Annabel; Munywoki, Peterkin; Chepyatich, Dorcas, 2023, "Key informant transcripts on dog values by Machakos community members",, MELDATA, V2
The transcripts in this dataset describe the values and roles in the dogs in the community where ILRI is providing a free rabies vaccination campaign. We also want to understand how they learn about the campaign so that we can co-create relevant sensitization materials on rabies...
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Sanchez-Garcia, Miguel, 2025, "Barley CWR-derived lines multi-location field trial - Morocco 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Assessment of Barley Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) derived lines: multi-location field trial conducted in Morocco during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Bassi, Filippo, 2025, "Durum Wheat CWR-derived lines multi-location field trial - Morocco 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Assessment of Durum Wheat Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) derived lines: multi-location field trial conducted in Morocco during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Sanchez-Garcia, Miguel, 2025, "Barley Landraces multi-location field trial - Morocco_Tunisia_Lebanon_Ethiopia 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Assessment of Barley Landraces: multi-location field trial conducted in Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Ethiopia during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Bassi, Filippo, 2025, "Durum Wheat Landraces multi-location field trial - Morocco_Tunisia_Lebanon_Ethiopia 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Assessment of Durum Wheat Landraces: multi-location field trial conducted in Morocco, Tunisia, Lebanon and Ethiopia during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Sanchez-Garcia, Miguel, 2025, "Barley CWR-derived lines on farm trial - Morocco 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Participatory evaluation of selected barley CWR-derived lines with farmers and assessment of the lines on farm during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 31, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Zaim, Meryem; Bassi, Filippo, 2025, "Durum Wheat CWR-derived lines on farm trial - Morocco 2023-2024",, MELDATA, V1
Participatory evaluation of selected durum wheat CWR-derived lines with farmers and assessment of the lines on farm during 2023-2024 cropping season.
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Nangia, Vinay; Mukhamedjanov, Shukhrat; Yuldashev, Tulkun, 2016, "Dataset of measured parameters for ET-based irrigation scheduling in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan",, MELDATA, V6
Datasets of all measured parameters for ET-based irrigation scheduling in Fergana Valley, Uzbekistan. Series of data is on winter wheat and cotton crops. Data collection occurred in 2015.
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Jemberu, Tsedalu; Bidru, Asmamaw, 2016, "Participatory Adaptation of Hot Pepper Varieties for Green Pod Production Under Irrigation",, MELDATA, V3
Final dataset from agronomic experiment in Gumara Maksegnit (2016), as elaborated by GARC researcher in charge for this trial (Asmamaw Bidru). Please contact author and contact person at ICARDA to obtain more detailed metadata or to propose collaboration.
Mar 27, 2025 - Scaling-up of proven technological packages
Mazid, Ahmed; Shideed, Kamel; Amegbeto, Koffi, 2007, "Survey data on impact of winter chickpea technology in Syria",, MELDATA, V8
Survey data on impact of winter chickpea technology in Syria. The study was conducted in the 2005/06 season to collect information from farmers on the performance of winter-sown cultivars in comparison with the traditional spring plantings. The data were used to analyze the impac...
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