Focus: Building resilient, integrated, mixed, multi- enterprise land use systems adapted to key non-tropical dry area agro-ecologies (rainfed, agro-pastoral, and irrigated) and markets. Sustainable intensification of non-tropical dry area crop and livestock production systems, with a strong market orientation, is a key driver of increasing agricultural productivity and is crucial to addressing livelihoods, food security, and the sustainable use of natural resources under changing climate conditions. This intensification requires addressing significant water-limited yield gaps in rainfed areas through improved agronomic practices and the scaling up of conservation-based farming practices. To support adoption of conservation agriculture, SRP3 will develop solutions to optimize the use of plant biomass for restoring soil health and livestock feed. We will develop integrated crop–legume–livestock systems that move towards carbon neutrality and increased resilience to cope with climates of the future.
ICARDA Strategic Plan 2017 - 2026:
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21 to 30 of 211 Results
Oct 23, 2024
Frija, Aymen; Ouerghemmi, Hassen, 2021, "Feed Demand in Ethiopia 1961-2013",, MELDATA, V10
This dataset contains data on feed demand in Ethiopia. Feed quantity (the dependent variable) includes brans, cottonseed cake, groundnut cake, maize, molasses, and oil crops. Independent variables include data on climatic conditions, economic situation, land use and quality, live...
Jul 6, 2024
McLeod, Ross, 2021, "Dataset of stakeholder interviews conducted as part of the mid-term evaluation of the SKiM project",, MELDATA, V6
The dataset includes stakeholder interviews conducted as part of the mid-term evaluation of the SKiM project (Partner NARS Scientist and Extension Officers, Universities).
Jun 21, 2024
M'hamed, Hatem Cheikh; Zaiem, Anis, 2021, "Set of SMS messages sent to 750 farmers",, MELDATA, V5
The dataset includes a list of SMS text messages in Arabic covering various subjects like agricultural professional organizations, animal health, conservation agriculture, animal husbandry, cattle husbandry, forage crops, forage and food. The messages are listed together with the...
Jun 20, 2024
Najjar, Dina; Alary, Veronique; Ouesalti, Dorsaf, 2021, "Curated dataset from Rapid appraisal study in Egypt",, MELDATA, V6
The family farm dataset comes from a data collection conducted from July to October 2020 within two CGIAR Research Programs on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) and on Livestock (LIVESTOCK). The two CRP programs aimed to empower the CGIAR response to a sanitary crisis in...
Jun 20, 2024
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Tawyah, Mohammed; Mahasneh, Amor, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of Jordan",, MELDATA, V11
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in Jordan. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Jun 20, 2024
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Kumar, Sunil; Naorem, Anandkumar; Kauthale, Vitthal; Palsaniya, Dana; Patel, Sachin, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of India",, MELDATA, V9
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in India. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Jun 20, 2024
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Leiva, Sebastián; Mora Gonzalez, Marcos; Saenz, Carmen, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of Chile",, MELDATA, V10
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in Chile. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Jun 20, 2024
Frija, Aymen; Ouerghemmi, Hassen, 2021, "Global data on livestock contribution to economic development for 2016",, MELDATA, V6
This dataset compiles aggregated variables describing both global livestock sector and macroeconomic attributes of 217 countries globally for 2016. The data is compiled to help with context-specific and typology analyses of the importance of livestock within each of the emerging...
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