
The Dataverse portal of the International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Ares (ICARDA) has been set up with the aim of making Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (F.A.I.R.) the knowledge produced in research for development frameworks, joined by the Center and its partners. The portal is supported by the CGIAR Research Program on LIVESTOCK, the CGIAR Platform for BIGDATA in Agriculture, and is powered by CODEOBIA and hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS). You may copy, distribute and transmit the data as long as you acknowledge the source through proper citation as shown below. You may not resale or use the data for any commercial purposes except with written permission from the respective authoring institution(s) and the author(s) concerned. By using the ICARDA Dataverse, the user expressly acknowledges that the data may contain some nonconformities, defects, or errors. No warranty is given that the data will meet the user's needs or expectations or that all nonconformities, defects, or errors can or will be corrected. The user should always verify actual data.

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11 to 20 of 604 Results
Mar 27, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Keser, Mesut; Akin, Beyhan; Ozdemir, Fatih, 2021, "27th Facultative Winter Wheat Observation Nurseries - Irrigation condition (27FAWWON-IRR)",, MELDATA, V4
The dataset contains data from the 27th Facultative Winter Wheat Observation Nurseries - Irrigation condition (FAWWON-IRR), as part of the International Nursery data for Winter Facultative Wheat report for 2020. The genotypes developed by IWWIP have been tested in multilocations....
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Kosimov, Sherzod, 2015, "Field data from Fergana valley: Soil profiles moisture changes, soil properties, weather, modelling results, irrigation",, MELDATA, V6
The dataset includes field data from Fergana Valley on soil profiles moisture changes, soil properties, weather, modelling results, and irrigation.
Mar 27, 2025 - Collect, Conserve and Use Agricultural Biodiversity
Keser, Mesut; Akin, Beyhan; Ozdemir, Fatih, 2021, "23rd International Winter Wheat Yield Trial - Irrigation condition (23IWWYT-IRR)",, MELDATA, V5
The dataset contains data from the 23rdth International Winter Wheat Yield Trial - Irrigation condition (IWWYT-IRR), as part of the International Nursery data for Winter Facultative Wheat report for 2020. The genotypes developed by IWWIP have been tested in replicated trials in m...
Mar 27, 2025 - Building resilient integrated crop-livestock farming systems
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Leiva, Sebastián; Mora Gonzalez, Marcos; Saenz, Carmen, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of Chile",, MELDATA, V14
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in Chile. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Mar 27, 2025 - Building resilient integrated crop-livestock farming systems
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Kumar, Sunil; Naorem, Anandkumar; Kauthale, Vitthal; Palsaniya, Dana; Patel, Sachin, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of India",, MELDATA, V13
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in India. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Mar 27, 2025 - Building resilient integrated crop-livestock farming systems
Louhaichi, Mounir; Hassan, Sawsan; Yigezu, Yigezu; Mata-Gonzalez, Ricardo, 2022, "Economic valuation of cactus pear production in semi-arid regions of Mexico",, MELDATA, V13
Dataset about cactus pear production and economic evaluation in Mexico. The dataset is part of a survey series, targeting farmer planting cactus across 5 countries: Tunisia, India, Jordan, Mexico and Chile.
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Anarbekov, Oyture, 2015, "Survey data collected for 3 case study pilot water users' associations (WUAs) of Fergana Valley",, MELDATA, V3
The present work consists of in-depth survey data, collected from a pilot WUAs in Ferghana Valley.
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Awan, Usman, 2015, "Irrigation and drainage in Fergana region, Uzbekistan",, MELDATA, V3
The dataset is composed by six shape files on irrigation and drainage in Oktepa district (Fergana), Uzbekistan.
Mar 27, 2025 - Sustainable use and management of scarce water and land resources
Awan, Usman, 2015, "Field level data collection on conjunctive use of canal water, drainage water and groundwater",, MELDATA, V4
The dataset is the results of a data collection on conjunctive use of canal water, drainage water and groundwater in Uzbekistan.
Mar 27, 2025 - Building resilient integrated crop-livestock farming systems
Rudiger, Udo, 2019, "Set of SMS messages sent to 1000 farmers",, MELDATA, V16
The dataset includes a list of SMS text messages in Arabic, French and English covering various subjects like production of olives, fruit trees, cereals, forages and livestock production. The messages are listed together with a schedule showing when to send the messages to farmer...
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