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Jan 25, 2023
Omore, Amos; Rao, James; Omondi, Immaculate; Ojango, Julie; Mwendia, Solomon; Ngoteya, Godfrey; Jeremiah, Adolf; Urassa, Neema; Magesho, Walter; Gitau, Jennifer; Kariuki, Eunice; Teufel, Nils; Poole, Elizabeth, 2023, "Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Household (Rhomis) Baseline Survey", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/OOJCU6, MELDATA, V1
Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (2019-2021) is centred around a catalytic core project titled “Agri-entrepreneurship, technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania”. The project aims to catalyze uptake of “proven” dairy technology packages that improve the livelihoods of sm... |
Jan 25, 2023
Omore, Amos; Omondi, Immaculate; Rao, James; Ojango, Julie; Mwendia, Solomon; Ngoteya, Godfrey; Jeremiah, Adolf; Urassa, Neema; Magesho, Walter; Gitau, Jennifer; Poole, Elizabeth; Galiè, Alessandra, 2023, "Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Scoping Study and Market Agent (Agripreneur) Baseline Survey and Women in Livestock Business Baseline Survey (WELBI)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/1SUEUR, MELDATA, V1
Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (2019-2021) is centred around a catalytic core project titled “Agri-entrepreneurship, technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania”. The project aims to catalyze uptake of “proven” dairy technology packages that improve the livelihoods of sm... |