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Jun 20, 2024 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Uganda
Ouma, Emily; Lukuyu, Ben; Lutakome, Pius; Hammond, James; Teufel, Nils, 2022, "MorePork - RHoMIS midline survey of smallholder pig producers in Uganda", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/DNMSKM, MELDATA, V8
The dataset covers 688 pig farming households in Central Uganda. The RHoMIS midline survey was implemented in Nov-Dec 2021 and covers household farming practices, pig productivity and income indicators, as well as adoption of best practices and technologies for the pig enterprise...
Jun 20, 2024 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Uganda
Ouma, Emily; Lutakome, Pius, 2022, "Baseline survey on Input and Service Providers (ISPs) in the Pig Value Chain of Uganda", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/7AJIUI, MELDATA, V13
A baseline survey of ISPs to allow for before-after and with or without comparison of the target outcome of the project interventions.
May 3, 2024
Swain, Braja; Teufel, Nils; Rahman, Habibar; Lukuyu, Ben, 2020, "Livestock household census survey in Odisha, India", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/G7LXZN, MELDATA, V3
These data contain one round cross section, livestock assets survey of 75146 households from Odisha, India collected between 2017 and 2018.
Apr 24, 2024 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Vietnam
Hammond, James; Tu, Mai; Teufel, Nils; Wijk, Mark van; Douxchamps, Sabine, 2021, "CRP Livestock Vietnam Priority Country - RHoMIS Baseline Survey", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/DXSTG9, MELDATA, V3
A characterisation and baseline survey of smallholder farmers undertaken at the start of the Livestock CRP Vietnam Priority Country project.
Apr 24, 2024 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Vietnam
Hammond, James; Tu, Mai; Teufel, Nils; Wijk, Mark van; Douxchamps, Sabine, 2021, "CRP Livestock Vietnam Priority Country - RHoMIS COVID19 Survey", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/DFOPO7, MELDATA, V2
A survey of the impacts and recovery from those impacts due to COVID19 and the related control measures conducted in the research sites of the CRP Livestock Vietnam Priority Country.
Apr 10, 2024 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Uganda
Oba, Peter; Doyle, Rebecca; Nsadha, Zachary; Kassahun, Amare; Dione, Michel, 2021, "Pig Welfare Baseline Survey in MorePork II Sites (2021)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/HYEIEI, MELDATA, V4
The project, “Improving pig productivity and incomes through an environmentally sustainable and gender-inclusive integrated intervention package (MorePork II)” is a 3-year project (2019-2021) that aims at strengthening market linkages to incentivise the adoption of an integrated...
Jan 25, 2023 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Tanzania
Omore, Amos; Rao, James; Omondi, Immaculate; Ojango, Julie; Mwendia, Solomon; Ngoteya, Godfrey; Jeremiah, Adolf; Urassa, Neema; Magesho, Walter; Gitau, Jennifer; Kariuki, Eunice; Teufel, Nils; Poole, Elizabeth, 2023, "Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Household (Rhomis) Baseline Survey", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/OOJCU6, MELDATA, V1
Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (2019-2021) is centred around a catalytic core project titled “Agri-entrepreneurship, technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania”. The project aims to catalyze uptake of “proven” dairy technology packages that improve the livelihoods of sm...
Jan 25, 2023 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Tanzania
Omore, Amos; Omondi, Immaculate; Rao, James; Ojango, Julie; Mwendia, Solomon; Ngoteya, Godfrey; Jeremiah, Adolf; Urassa, Neema; Magesho, Walter; Gitau, Jennifer; Poole, Elizabeth; Galiè, Alessandra, 2023, "Maziwa Zaidi / More Milk in Tanzania (Phase 2) - Scoping Study and Market Agent (Agripreneur) Baseline Survey and Women in Livestock Business Baseline Survey (WELBI)", https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11766.1/FK2/1SUEUR, MELDATA, V1
Maziwa Zaidi Phase II (2019-2021) is centred around a catalytic core project titled “Agri-entrepreneurship, technology uptake and inclusive dairy development in Tanzania”. The project aims to catalyze uptake of “proven” dairy technology packages that improve the livelihoods of sm...
CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Vietnam(International Livestock Research Institute)
Feb 10, 2022
CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Tanzania(International Livestock Research Institute)
Feb 10, 2022
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