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1 to 10 of 96 Results
Mar 31, 2025
Bor, Nicholas; Thomas, Lian; Njenga, Geoffrey; Slater, Annabel; Munywoki, Peterkin; Chepyatich, Dorcas, 2023, "Key informant transcripts on dog values by Machakos community members",, MELDATA, V2
The transcripts in this dataset describe the values and roles in the dogs in the community where ILRI is providing a free rabies vaccination campaign. We also want to understand how they learn about the campaign so that we can co-create relevant sensitization materials on rabies...
Mar 27, 2025
Getachew, Dinede; Knight-Jones, Theodore; Bihon, Wubetu; Gazu, Lina; Girma, Sisay; Srinivasan, Ramasamy; Roothaert, Ralph; Grace, Delia; Gashaw, Habtamu, 2022, "Urban Food Markets in Africa – incentivizing food safety (Pull-Push Project) - Assessment of pesticide residues in vegetables produced in central and eastern Ethiopia",, MELDATA, V12
The project aims to improve food safety in urban informal markets in Burkina Faso and Ethiopia, specifically in poultry and vegetable value chains. While previous efforts have often focused on training producers or regulators with little attention to incentives for behaviour chan...
Mar 27, 2025
Wieland, Barbara; Alemu, Biruk; Dione, Michel; Magnusson, Ulf; Amenu, Kebede; Desta, Hiwot; Alemayehu, Gezahegn, 2021, "Antimicrobial use in smallholder livestock systems in Ethiopia (AMUSE)",, MELDATA, V11
The aim of this project was to develop a tool (AMUSE) to understand knowledge, attitudes and practices of smallholder farmers regarding antimicrobial use, antimicrobial resistance and the presence of residues of antimicrobials. It also documents drivers of behaviour for AMU, iden...
Mar 27, 2025 - CGIAR Research Program on Livestock
Swain, Braja; Teufel, Nils; Rahman, Habibar; Lukuyu, Ben, 2020, "Livestock household census survey in Odisha, India",, MELDATA, V6
These data contain one round cross section, livestock assets survey of 75146 households from Odisha, India collected between 2017 and 2018.
Mar 27, 2025
Punt, Cecilia; Bahta, Sirak; Enahoro, Dolapo; Robinson, Sherman; Rich, Karl, 2021, "Integrated livestock systems and economic modeling",, MELDATA, V4
Project Title: PIM -FP5 - Capacity Building and Economy-wide Data and Tools. The project is about developing models, tools and data for livestock systems modeling and policy analysis. This dataset consists of herd dynamic models, baseline and simulation data, model outputs and is...
Mar 27, 2025 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Uganda
Ouma, Emily; Lukuyu, Ben; Lutakome, Pius; Hammond, James; Teufel, Nils, 2022, "MorePork - RHoMIS midline survey of smallholder pig producers in Uganda",, MELDATA, V12
The dataset covers 688 pig farming households in Central Uganda. The RHoMIS midline survey was implemented in Nov-Dec 2021 and covers household farming practices, pig productivity and income indicators, as well as adoption of best practices and technologies for the pig enterprise...
Mar 27, 2025
Ouma, Emily; Pezo, Danilo; Dione, Michel; Lukuyu, Ben; Marshall, Karen; Lule, Peter; Asiimwe, Grace; Opio, Felix; Kawuma, Brian; Kariuki, Eunice, 2015, "MorePork - Study: Food Demand and Nutrition Cross-Sectional Survey",, MELDATA, V6
MorePork: More pork by and for the poor: Catalyzing emerging smallholder pig value chains in Uganda for food security and poverty reduction The project seeks to test and pilot best bet options to improve on-farm productivity, household nutrition and pork safety in the marketing c...
Mar 27, 2025 - CRP Livestock Country Priority Project - Uganda
Ouma, Emily; Lutakome, Pius, 2022, "Baseline survey on Input and Service Providers (ISPs) in the Pig Value Chain of Uganda",, MELDATA, V15
A baseline survey of ISPs to allow for before-after and with or without comparison of the target outcome of the project interventions.
Mar 27, 2025 - Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI)
Alulu, Vincent; Jensen, Nathaniel; Ikegami, Munenobu, 2023, "Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) Marsabit Household Survey",, MELDATA, V5
These data contain seven rounds of a longitudinal, socio-economic survey of 924 pastoral households from Marsabit County Kenya, collected between 2010 and 2020. Data collection was made possible, in part, by support provided by the generous funding of the UK Department for Intern...
Mar 27, 2025
Schieck, Elise; Jores, Joerg; Liljander, Anne; Sacchini, Flavio; Frey, Joachim, 2020, "Development of improved vaccines against CCPP",, MELDATA, V3
Generation and sequencing of putatively attenuated mutants of Mccp strain ILRI181. Mutants can be used by scientists to understand function of genes that have been targeted.
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